Laura François

“Ce n’est pas une image juste,
c’est juste une image.” JL. Godard


J’ouvre les yeux;
et le monde me voit

Art Series, realized for the last year of Master degree at La Cambre, Brussel, Belgium.

Série photographique réalisé pour la dernière année de Master à La Cambre, Bruxelles, Belgique.

In the middle of a dreamlike and uncertain universe, She wanders between fantasy and brutal reality.
Her attitude, as if paralyzed, questions her place in a world where she seems lost and idle.

Au milieu d’un univers onirique et incertain, Elle, erre entre fantasme et réalité brutale.
Son attitude, comme paralysée, questionne sa place dans un monde où elle semble perdue et désoeuvrée.

«I know I really believed it.
Since I was a little girl he talked about it as an affirmation, an inevitable prediction. And at the same time I dreaded it enormously, because in his scenario,
I was at the centre of the action. And it became a huge weight. I was afraid of it, and then I didn’t want it at all. I think that now it’s quite incredible to realize this projection, to observe it with a certain hindsight.
But then I feel a new fright. Where is my place if it is not the one predicted for me? I am alone and the hardest thing is not to lie to myself. ”

©LAURA FRANCOIS, All rights reserved.